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The following investigation needs to be done and written up in preparation for creating user documentation.

The work will be split into 2 sections:

  1. Consumption - how to use TechZone Accelerator Toolkit to create an OpenShift Cluster on different clouds then install and configure a defined set of software
  2. Contribute - how to contribute modules to TechZone Accelerator Toolkit to extend the catalog of modules available to install. This may include open source software, other commercial software offerings


Before someone can contribute a module they need to understand how TechZone Accelerator Toolkit works and how to use it to lay down a cluster and set of software. The investigations in this section should:


  • cover system setup to be able to use TechZone Accelerator Toolkit on:

    • MacOS (Intel)
    • MacOS (Apple Silicon)
    • Windows (10 and 11)
    • Linux (Fedora)
    • Linux (Ubuntu)

    In addition to the OS options there should be clear instructions to cover the following container tooling options:

    • Docker
    • Podman (if this is going to be a supported option going forward?)
    • Multipass

Building BOM

There is an extensive catalog of modules so some explanation is needed to cover the tooling available and also explain how modules work to build an entire system (dependencies, variables, etc....)

Installing an environment using a BOM

How to take a BOM and run it to create an environment (this should work with all allowed OS and container tool combinations)



Complete this part of the plan