Running NLP models using a single container image¶
This page describes how to run NLP models by combining the runtime and models into a single container
The product documentation will provide more details and additional capabilities not shown in this example.
Access to images¶
To run this example you need to have access to the IBM Watson Libraries for Embed container images. These are available on the IBM Container Registry, but you need an entitlement key
For the code in this repo I use a local mirror, hosted in a Project Quay repository.
If you are running against the IBM registry then you will need to change the images from lab-registry-quay-openshift-operators.apps.ocp.lab.home/watson-libs
and login to the repository before trying to access any images with
docker login --username cp --password <entitlement_key>
podman login --username cp --password <entitlement_key>
Building the runtime¶
To create a usable NLP runtime container, the standard runtime needs to be combined with appropriate model(s). There are a number of standard models provided.
The files used in this example can be found here.
To build the model directory run the script:
docker build -f Containerfile . -t nlp-standalone:latest
podman build --tls-verify=false -f Containerfile . -t nlp-standalone:latest
To build the container image run the command:
docker build -f Containerfile . -t nlp-standalone
podman build --tls-verify=false -f Containerfile . -t nlp-standalone
You should store the container image in a repository if you want to use it on a Kubernetes platform or make it available to other developers to run locally. If you want to run the container on a serverless platform, such as IBM Code Engine or AWS Fargate then the registry needs to be accessible from those platforms.
docker tag nlp-standalone lab-registry-quay-openshift-operators.apps.ocp.lab.home/brian/nlp-standalone:0.0.1
docker push lab-registry-quay-openshift-operators.apps.ocp.lab.home/brian/nlp-standalone:0.0.1
podman tag nlp-standalone lab-registry-quay-openshift-operators.apps.ocp.lab.home/brian/nlp-standalone:0.0.1
podman push --tls-verify=false lab-registry-quay-openshift-operators.apps.ocp.lab.home/brian/nlp-standalone:0.0.1
Running the container¶
The container can be run on your local system. The following commands assume you have the tool on your local system (either built or pulled from a repository)
docker run --rm -it -e ACCEPT_LICENSE=true -e LOCAL_MODELS_DIR=/app/model_data -p 8085:8085 -p 8080:8080 nlp-standalone
podman run --rm -it -e ACCEPT_LICENSE=true -e LOCAL_MODELS_DIR=/app/model_data -p 8085:8085 -p 8080:8080 nlp-standalone
Submitting requests to the container¶
curl -s \
"http://localhost:8080/v1/watson.runtime.nlp.v1/NlpService/SyntaxPredict" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-H "grpc-metadata-mm-model-id: syntax_izumo_lang_en_stock" \
-d '{ "raw_document": { "text": "This is a test sentence" }, "parsers": ["token"] }'
Running the container on IBM Code Engine¶
This assumes you have an account on IBM cloud, have an instance of Container Registry in your account, have the ibmcloud CLI installed and the Container Registry and Code Engine plugins installed
A full tutorial can be found here
- login to the IBM Cloud on the command line
ibmcloud login (--sso)
- set the region for the Container Registry service on IBM Cloud
ibmcloud cr region-set
then select the appropriate region and note the name of the registry (e.g. uk-south uses registry - login to the Container Registry
ibmcloud cr login --client podman
- tag the stand alone image for the IBM Cloud registry (substitute for your region registry address)
podman tag nlp-standalone:latest
- push the image to the registry
podman push
- set the correct resource group to run the application in
ibmcloud target -g bi-devops
- create a container engine project
ibmcloud ce project create --name bi-nlp-standalone
- set the new project as the current context
ibmcloud ce project select --name bi-nlp-standalone
- use the IBM Cloud web UI to deploy the code engine app, specifying the image in the IBM Container Registry you pushed in step 5.
- create the environment variable ACCEPT_LICENSE with the value true
Once the Code Engine application is deployed you can verify it is running with ibmcloud ce app list
Test the application is responding to requests using curl (you can get your application endpoint from the Domain mappings tab in the web UI)
curl -s -X POST "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "grpc-metadata-mm-model-id: syntax_izumo_lang_en_stock" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d "{ \"rawDocument\": { \"text\": \"This is a test.\" }, \"parsers\": [ \"TOKEN\" ]}" \
| jq -r .