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Part 1

Before you can start working on this workshop you need to have some prerequisite software installed and have a working account on the IBM Cloud. Details of how to get setup can be found on the prerequisites page

Setup for the workshop

This section will take you through installing the prerequisite software on your machine and also ensuring you have the necessary accounts created.

Introduction to the ESP8266

This Lab will show you how to use the Arduino IDE with the ESP8266 plugin to create a new application for the ESP8266 board.

ESP8266 WiFi connectivity

This Lab will show you how to connection your ESP8266 to a local WiFi network. This Lab will also introduce the Serial Monitor, which allows you to see output from a running application.

LED Light - sample app

In this Lab you will connect the NeoPixel LED and learn how to control it from the ESP8266.

  • Estimated duration: 15 minutes
  • practical RGB LED

DHT Temp - sample app

In this lab you will learn how to connect the DHT temperature and humidity sensor to the ESP8266 board and how to access data from the sensor.

  • Estimated duration: 15 minutes
  • practical DHT Sensor

IBM Cloud Internet of Things

In this lab you will learn how to deploy a starter application to the IBM Cloud.

  • Estimated duration: 10 minute
  • practical IoT deploy