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Part 3

Introduction to Node-RED


All but the last section in this part of the workshop can be completed without a real device using the Watson IoT Platform device simulator. Instructions on how to use the simulator are included in this project here

Receive Environmental Sensor Data in Node-RED

In this lab you will set up Node-RED in your Watson IoT Starter application created at the end of Part 1 and learn about low code programming with Node-RED.

Node-RED Dashboard - Real Time Chart

In this lab you will import Node-RED flows which create Dashboard Charts. After learning about Node-RED Dashboard Charts, you will be able to display temperature and humidity graphs of the Device environmental sensors.

Store data in Cloudant storage

In this lab you will store the device environmental sensor data in a Cloudant database in IBM Cloud.

Node-RED Dashboard - Historical Playback Chart

In this lab you will read the historical sensor data from a Cloud storage database and create a graph of prior readings

Control your Device reporting interval

In this lab you will modify the ESP8266 Arduino program to receive MQTT commands from the IBM Cloud and build a Node-RED Dashboard Form to dynamically change the reporting interval of the ESP8266 DHT environmental sensor data.

Control your LED via Device Commands

In this lab you will modify / control your Device program to receive MQTT commands from the IBM Cloud and build a Node-RED flow to dynamically change the LED color of the device depending on Alert thresholds.